My beloved pupils...Grade IV-Dilaw |
I must admit that at first, I was quiet nervous that I will be teaching in a public school. I myself came from a public school so I know that pupils there are naughtier, noisier and more talkative. I have lots of worries in my head. How will I deal with my pupils? Can I hold my temper as long as possible? Will I develop hypertension before my internship ends? These are the questions I asked myself before I entered the portals of the school.
With their adviser, my critic teacher and now a principal, Mr. Angelo Tanoy |
I was right when I thought that public school pupils are naughty, noisy and talkative. During my first few days, they were angels with wings and halos. But soon, as weeks passed by, their wings and halos were turned into horns and tails. Hehehe... Seriously, they were uncontrollable. It was a total chaos most especially if the teacher was not around. Looking on the brighter side, I learned to control my anger. I learned to think of the ways to control my pupils. My classroom management skill was put to test so to speak. This gave me the opportunity to pressure myself and explore my capability as a classroom manager, to maintain order and enforce discipline inside the classroom.
Me with the little Egyptians...hehehe |
During ICES Day...Walk like an Egyptian...hahahha
As to my efficacy of being a teacher, I learned a lot especially from my critic teacher. Through him, I learned how to be a creative, flexible and innovative teacher. He has lots of bright ideas and various ways to present the lesson even without long time planning. What I greatly admire about his teaching was that pupils were having fun while learning.
I know that teachers shouldn't have favorites..but these are my favorite pupils...wehehehe... |
(Note: This was written way back 2009 when I just finished my internship at Iloilo Central Elementary School. My next post will be my experience when I returned to that same school with, coincidentally, the same set of pupils.)
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