I. Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the pupils are expected to:
a. Identify the members of the Solar System
b. Classify planets into 2 major groups: Jovian and Terrestrial planets
c. Mention ways on taking care of the planet Earth
II. Subject Matter
Topic: The Solar System
Reference: Science for Daily Life, Textbook in Science 5, Tan, Conchita, 2002 pp. 248-255
Materials: graphic organizers, pictures, television
Value Focus: Taking care of the planet Earth
III. Procedure
A. Preparation
1. Motivation- Mini Game(Boys vs Girls): Boys and girls will compete to solve picture puzzles. The pictures are related to the outer space, space exploration, etc. After the game, present the pictures and ask:
Can you identify these pictures? What do these pictures show?
B. Presentation
1. Activity
a. Film Showing: Let the pupils watch a short film about the Solar System. Encourage note-taking while watching the film.
b. Group Activity: Divide the class into 3 groups. Have the groups discuss about the film and let them answer a guide question designated to them. They will present their answers using graphic organizers.
Group 1: What are the members of the Solar System?
Group 2: What are the planets revolving around the Sun?
Group 3: What are the two groups of planets?
A group representative must present their answers to the whole class.
2. Analysis
a. Show a data retrieval chart of the basic information about the planets. Let the pupils analyze the chart and ask the following:
1. What is the planet closest to the Sun? The farthest from the Sun?
2. What is the smallest planet? The largest planet?
3. Why does the Jupiter have more moons while Venus and Mercury have no moons at all?
4. Why is there a negative sign on the revolution of Venus?
3. Abstraction and Comparison
Let the pupils fill in the Venn Diagram
Ask: What does the Venn Diagram imply?
4. Application
Give each group a copy of the crossword puzzle. They must compete each other to answer the puzzle first.
C. Generalization
Wrap up the lesson by having the pupils answer the following questions:
1. What are the members of the Solar System?
2. What is the center of the Solar System?
3. What are the 8 planets of the Solar System?
4. What are the two groups of planets?
Valuing: Ask: If given the chance, which planet will you like to live? Why?
Can other planets sustain life aside from Earth?
Explain the importance of planet Earth as our home planet. Let them mention ways of taking care of the Earth by completing the sentence: I can help taking care of our planet by ________________.
IV. Evaluation
Draw a smiley if the statement is correct and a sad face if it is wrong.
1. The Sun is the center of the Solar System.
2. The Earth is our home planet.
3. The largest planet is Saturn.
4. Jovian planets are also called inner planets.
5. The Earth is the third planet from the Sun.
V. Agreement
Draw the Solar System in a long sized bond paper. Pass this next meeting.
Lesson Plan: Science for Grade 5
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Posted by
3:03 AM
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